Sit. from the feel of grass, the kiss of the brick, the pinch and tickle of wood. melting amber sticks to my teeth and the roof of this motionless mouth. listen and you might hear droplets of water in the wind. color peaks out behind tall emeralds. Sounds are fading...flowing and the white is intertwined. everything hear seems to react. And I? I suppose I respond. If I could share this. only. Humming strokes the windswept sky. soft, subtle, soothing. you lie and I lean unusually. the colors depend and consider one another. they are far from hurried. my eyes are not heavy…however. settled. my heart is at peace when I stop it’s racing. when I pretend I am not. Why do I mind that it grows dimmer? It is displaced, indeed. I am safe. wrapped in wool, faintly frightened. but take note! chirp chirp. the chirping crickets carry the birdies song. the setting sun waves hello. now the moon steps up and peaks through taller leaves. I was mistaken. the transition is like the amber. it is not bitter but instead kind. not an abrupt shift, rather a tender sweet sigh. settling. sorrow is elsewhere. keep my mind. you linger when you leave, without even trying. I cannot seem to slip away. a pit flies, stems they fall. they land. crimson sugar swallows my mouth and clings to my lips. I wish there were no sirens. I am taken to wolves. they ought to return to their babies. the sky is blue and it is bright. a bigger blanker. Come and sit.