Have you ever noticed how ordinary things can immediately brighten your day? A teacher at my school had us all write down those moments where we were brought joy by something simple.
Butterflies, Bouquets or Bunnies?
Chocolate Chip Pancakes?
Warm Fuzzy Slippers?
Ribbon & Rainbows?
Ice Cream & Icicles?
A Cupcake?
But I’ve realized that it sometimes doesn’t even take seeing an object or experiencing a moment to have joy. Words and thoughts in themselves can bring contentment. My hair is not tied in a pretty pink ribbon right now, and outside my window there is no rainbow, but when I think of such things I cannot help but to have a happy heart.
Wow, haha, I dont know if its just me but I keep coming back to this and I really feel like you put that feeling perfectly. I have the same experience (and try to tell people when small things like that make me glad), but cant write it as well as you